Saturday, April 10, 2010

Anyone who has ever tried to get rid of problematic fat in trouble spots around the hips, abdomen and thighs has probably considered liposuction at some point. This targeted procedure allows surgeons to remove excess fat from specific areas of the body. It is important to note, however, that liposuction is not a treatment for obesity. In fact, the best candidates for liposuction are people who are at a normal, healthy weight.

Once you’ve had liposuction, the fat in those problem areas is not gone for good. In order to maintain your desired look at keep fat from returning to those problems areas, it is essential to follow a healthy diet and exercise regimen after your surgery. If you decide to have liposuction, start planning your health and fitness plan today in order to get started on the path toward a healthier, fitter body.

Reasons to Stay Fit and Healthy

While liposuction can be very effective, patients can easily regain all of the fat they lost and then some. According to a recent report in a plastic surgery journal, patients are three times more likely to regain the fat they lost if they do not follow a healthy diet. The same report also revealed that patients who do not exercise regularly after having liposuction are four times more likely to gain weight.

Obviously, diet and exercise are essential to staying healthy and physically fit. How can you kick start your own health habits? While your lifestyle, physical capabilities and personality will all contribute to your choices, the following guidelines can help you make the right diet and exercise decisions.

Follow the USDA Guidelines for a Healthy Diet

With so much diet and nutrition advice circulating all around us, it can be difficult to decide which tips to follow. The best advice is to keep it as simple as possible. Follow the guidelines laid out by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), which recommended a balanced diet full of healthy grains, fruits and vegetables. Additional tips such as drinking plenty of water, limiting salt intake and reducing the amount of refined sugar you eat each day can also help you stay healthy and ward off extra pounds.

Exercise at Least Five Days Each Week

Regular physical activity is another essential component for keeping the weigh off following a liposuction procedure. The vast majority of experts recommend working out for 30 minutes each day five days each week. Are you busy and short on time? Remember that you don’t need to perform all of this exercise all at once. Simple changes to your daily routine such as taking the stairs or taking brief walks during the day can add up quickly.

However, it is important to talk to your doctor to establish a timetable for your exercise program after your liposuction surgery. While you may begin easy walking within a few days after liposuction, you should take it easy for at least two weeks after the procedure. Your liposuction doctor may also suggest waiting for at least one month after your surgery before begin a regular routine of strenuous physical exercise.

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