Monday, March 22, 2010

Below we discusses the importance of eating carbohydrates. Does this mean only bread and pasta? NO! Here then are some of East Valley Fitness Bootcamps favorite carbohydrate foods which give our body and therefore our muscles good fuel::

Let's Eat our Carbohydrates:

  • Legumes: Labeled as a "Powerhouse Food" in one of my tips, legumes are a powerful energy food with vitamins and minerals along with an almost equal proportion of quality protein included in the list of meat alternatives. Eat these the night before a morning work out at dinner, or eat some everyday!
  • Oatmeal: Yes, oatmeal! And not just in cold snowy weather. It is a great source of a long lasting stick to the ribs energy food, full of vitamins and minerals with heart health benefits (not just a slogan, but scientifically proven).Eat some oatmeal 2-3 hours before a workout (I eat everyday).
  • Yogurt: As close to a #1 food as it gets, my motto is " A Yogurt a Day". Loaded with nutrients such as high quality bone building calcium, protein, B vitamins and the healthy immune boosting bacteria that line our gastrointestinal tract. A great food, snack or snack topping, it's portable and easy to find. Eat 1 hour before a workout as a snack to give energy especially when the last meal was a few hours ago.
  • Banana: The banana made my list since almost everyone loves bananas, but most of us think that they are fattening! Well, at about 120 calories for a medium one, loaded with potassium, vitamin C, sweet and starchy, they make the list. Bananas are also versatile. Satisfy the starch urge by adding them to a fruit salad or cereal; thicken up a smoothie; stuff one in a bag to go; eat one on the run and even buy one at those fruit stands (we're less likely to get sick from a banana because of the peel). eat 30 minutes to 1 hour before a workout.
  • Salad with veggies! Veggies are loaded with vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and great complex carbohydrates. they fill us up without filling us out and they supply great energy. Add in 1/2 cooked chilled pasta and make it a dinner salad.
  • Baked Potato. Take a cue from bodybuilders who live on baked potatoes during their carb eating trining days. Make it a meal by adding legumes, salsa or even cottage cheese.
  • High Fiber Cereal. Start the day with a high fiber wheat cereal with low fat milk and a favorite fruit. Aside from the high fiber benefits, whole grains supply us with energy to start the day physically and mentally. Want to snack during the day? Put mixed high fiber cereals in a baggie with dried fruit, and munch away an hour or two before a workout!

So, these are just a few of East Valley Boot Camps favorite carbohydrate foods. Of course, there are scooped bagels, tortilla's filled with veggies, california rolls, and the dreaded pasta if we eat an appetizer portion for those of us watching our weight.

Here's to eating some carbs and feeding our muscles!

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